Entries by Jay OHare


Great copy is one aspect of marketing that’s overlooked far too often. Yet just a quarter turn by the right person can make a huge difference.

Anatomy of a Computer Virus

This is a pretty amazing video infographic about the computer virus Stuxnet. Apparently the virus infiltrated the Iranian nuclear program and cause all kinds of havoc. Created by Patrick Clair

Ignite Boulder #15

As one of the founders of Ignite Steamboat it’s always fun to go to the Mecca of Ignite in Boulder. It’s a huge event, selling out with over 1300 people.


I had the privilege of conducting a branding workshop last week with some really talented people.

Delivering Happiness

I was fortunate enough to attend Big Omaha last year – I’d call it the un-conference. The final speaker was Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh who spoke about the culture at Zappos. This was an incredibly moving speech with a takeaway of how important an organization’s culture can be.


Please stop waiting for a map. We reward those who draw maps, not those who follow them. ~ Seth Godin


On a photo shoot in the middle of nowhere.

Potential Impact

It’s no longer only about making things for a network of computers: it’s about making things for the fabric that connects all of us. It’s not bits and bites, it’s people and places. It’s not eyeballs, it’s faces. This is serious, and this is inspiring. Never before at any point in history has the potential […]